The Holy Sepulchre

San Candido innkeeper Georg Paprion built the Holy Sepulchre, the Außerkirchl, meaning small church at the gates, following pilgrimages to the Holy Land. The church is a unique witness to Baroque popular piety: In 1633 the round chapel was built in the style of the Chapel of Mercy in the German town of Altötting, then the nave as a Chapel of Christ’s Passion, and finally in 1653 the Chapel of the Holy Sepulchre according to the style of the original in Jerusalem. The statues inside the church come from the workshop of San Candido sculptor Matthias Schranzhofer. They are among the most important works of local folk art.

The Chapel of the Holy Sepulchre

As in Jerusalem, the tomb of Christ stands in a polygonal rotunda with its dome vaulting, coupled arch windows and a two-storey arcade. The light shines down from above, the tomb area lies in semi-darkness. This contrast represents the coexistence of death and resurrection. The risen Lord is standing on the tomb. The upper arcade is decorated with portraits of the Apostles, with the Evangelists hovering above them and God the Father enthroned at the top.

The Chapel of Christ’s Passion

Depictions on the north face: Jesus' fear of death, Mount of Olives, scourging, crowning with thorns and condemnation to death on the cross. On the east side the scenes from the Passion continue with the Stations of the Cross and the Crucifixion. These representations also originate from Schranzhofer's workshop and bear witness to outstanding local folk art. The decoration of the figures also points to the costumes used in the popular Passion plays of the 17th and 18th centuries.

The Chapel of Altötting

The Chapel of Christ’s Passion leads to the Chapel of Altötting, a polygonal rotunda with coupled arch windows and alcoves. The majestic pietà is from the 16th century, the altar, a work of the San Candido sculptor Matthias Schranzhofer, dates back to the time of the construction of the chapel. In the alcoves there are scenes from the life of St Mary: Annunciation, the Visitation of Mary, flight to Egypt, farewell to Jesus, appearance of the Risen Lord, Mary and John at the tomb of Jesus on Easter morning.
