MIK Chapter Museum

Welcome to the MIK

Welcome to the Chapter Museum, welcome to San Candido.
For 1000 years the collegiate chapter of San Candido, founded in 769, initially a Benedictine monastery, then a canonry, was the spiritual and intellectual centre of Val Pusteria. 
The Chapter Museum houses rare treasures and traces San Candido’s great past: 3000-year-old vases, coins dating back to the Romans, the construction history of the collegiate church, the canons' activities, their valuable library....
The collection
Golden monstrances, silver shrines, carved processional statues, embroidered vestments, manuscripts with illuminations, papal edicts, decorated rooms and a very special piece: the 14th century reliquary cross made of rock crystal.
Wheat, rye, barley and oats
The museum’s extensive collection includes objects and themes that have lost none of their relevance. Special exhibitions showcase examples of these, placing them in their historical context and relating them to the here and now. In 2024-2025 the focus is on GRAINS - wheat, rye, barley and oats.
Our summer programme
Focusing on the topics of the special exhibition we arrange talks, music evenings and workshops, we break out of the traditional museum framework, seeking contact with other institutes, schools, researchers and creative artists. TOGETHER MIK
Parchments & old books
It is presumed that the community of canons, known as the chapter, had a writing room from the very beginning, where they wrote and collected documents. The result is impressive: over 1000 parchments, several hundred manuscripts, early prints, books and countless files. These include one of the largest collections of texts by Ramon Llull.
A walk through history
In San Candido, the traces of history are still legible: the many churches, the country houses, chapter houses, but also the very urban settlement structure developed at the intersection of old Roman roads, framed by two rivers, linked by three bridges to the west, east and south...